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Wils 6:08 Wed Nov 15
Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
Bought my tickets today. Taking my son whom I am trying not to take out of school early on the Wednesday, Meaning I would be on a train that arrived at Lime St 7pm. That's obviously cutting it fine for an 8pm kick off.

Is it easy to cab it to the ground from Lime Street on a match day? There quicker ways to do it? Am I mad arriving in Liverpool only an hour before kick off?

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mashed in maryland 9:26 Mon Nov 20
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield

Fifth Column 9:08 Sun Nov 19

Asda in Walton, 3hrs for free, 20-30 min walk in a straight line and right by the ring road to take you back to the M62. There's "strictly no matchday parking" signs everywhere but no one's ever been done for it.

Plenty of closer matchday parking for £10 (usually on someones driveway or a bit of vacant land) but the traffic after is solid for a good 20-40 minutes, best to park further away and walk

yngwies Cat 9:15 Mon Nov 20
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
Wils 11:05 Sat Nov 18

Same mate, my boys meant to be on study leave before...not so the school, its Mrs Cat..Told her it would help with his geography and learning about social deprevation..

rumford 9:36 Sun Nov 19
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
Like most people have already said shouldn't be a problem these day. I once walked back alone to Lime St, back in the day, when you had to avoid the young scallys hanging around on corners asking you the time. I also remember catching a bus from Lime St to Anfield,talk about stand out. I was the only person on the bus without a red and white scarf.

bruuuno 9:19 Sun Nov 19
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
You can park at Everton

Fifth Column 9:08 Sun Nov 19
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
OK I've got my own question.

I'm driving for the first time ever - never driven up there before. What is the best place to park without anyone offering to "watch my car"?

Fifth Column 9:06 Sun Nov 19
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
Nutsin it's nothing like that now. You're left to make your own way there. I haven't ever had an issue and certainly not in recent years. For Liverpool games most of those getting the buses from the centre are Chinese, Irish or from London - never any aggro.

w4hammer 11:16 Sun Nov 19
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
couple of times i picked my son out side the school gates . drove and he was back in class the next mroning- including once when a teache said- were you at anfiedn last night as we were both on TV-

Fab memories- howeevr roads are so fuckd now Im having a stopover

Wierd how theyve done the away allocation with the extra fans on the side...thought theyd give us the whole of the end?

Nutsin 11:41 Sat Nov 18
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
I’ve been to Lime St twice. Once against Everton and the other against Liverpool.

The old bill made us walk to one stadium under police escort the other time they put us on buses.

This was back in the early 80’s mind so it might have changed since.

Wils 11:05 Sat Nov 18
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
Appreciate all the messages encouraging me to take him out of school for the day. Quite aware an away at Anfield the week before Christmas is better for him than a day at school. Thing is I have overdone it and now he is in GCSE years the school have been on our case about attendance and I am a little bit worried about the next escalation. They have called us in for several meetings this year and are now writing letters about targets etc. So it's come at a bad time. He will be missing Thursday - his last day anyway - just nervous about giving them ammunition by degrading his attendance percentage even further so I am trying limit it.

Fifth Column 5:39 Sat Nov 18
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
Also Wils you know he's going to miss the next day at school don't you as there aren't any trains to get you back same day. Hopefully you're not sleeping in the park with him and you've boked a hotel room.

Fifth Column 5:38 Sat Nov 18
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
Wils as someone else said, take him out of school earlier in the day. It's just before Xmas. Tell the school someone has died and you have to go to a funeral or something. If you arrive by 7pm it's fine but what happens if the train is delayed? You'll have spent a lot of money on tickets and trains and will miss all or part of the match.

Get a train scheduled to arrive at 5pm and go for a walk with him down to the docks and see a bit of the place then get the bus to the ground.

side effect 4:06 Sat Nov 18
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
Club never laid on coaches. Why couldn't the players chip in, I mean the ones you are making every effort to go and support.
I have no time for any of them

Eastside surge 4:05 Sat Nov 18
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
6.000 tickets sold out apparently, terrific effort considering our record there and time of year etc

Dicko75 3:55 Sat Nov 18
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
Jesus, take him out of school for the day and go have some fun. The memories and time with you will benefit him far more than 6 hours in a classroom

southbankbornnbred 8:09 Wed Nov 15
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
Wills - you'll be fine providing the train gets you in at 7pm.

Leap in a cab at Lime St and the driver will probably take you through the back streets (ironically via the actual area of Everton). Anfield's on the near side of Stanley Park anyway, so you should get there in time.

Normally, it would take about 15 mins. But it might be 25 on match day.

Enjoy it.

Wils 7:40 Wed Nov 15
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
Thanks all!

RM10 7:31 Wed Nov 15
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
Club never laid on coaches then, wankers.

Hammer and Pickle 7:23 Wed Nov 15
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
Sure you did Brenty. Did you tell him about your mates in the Moscow mafia from the days when you brought House to Russia?

The Fonz 7:04 Wed Nov 15
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
was up there a few years ago, jumped in a cab on the way back from the ground and we got asked who we supported. Told him West Ham and he tried to triple the price of the cab - think he asked for £30. Cheeky cunt.

It should be about a tenner from memory and there are plenty of cabs. You'll have loads of time.

Warchild 6:33 Wed Nov 15
Re: Liverpool Lime St to Anfield
You'll be fine. Plenty of taxis, even on a match day, and only takes 15 minutes max. Even if you were walking it you'd do it in about 45 minutes.

There is a station closer to the ground but can't remember what its called.

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